Opportunities to work with TIMESTEP
Undergraduate TIMESTEP Leaders
TIMESTEP Leaders are a group of dedicated astronomy and physics undergraduate student volunteers who serve as peer mentors by leading meetings/discussions and facilitating a positive community, and who help us improve the TIMESTEP program. We welcome new Leaders at the beginning of the fall semester.
TIMESTEP Leader Position Description:
Graduate Student TIMESTEP Leaders
TIMESTEP Graduate Student Leaders are graduate students in UArizona's Astronomy, Planetary Sciences, or Physics Departments who are committed to creating a positive community. Grad Student Leaders facilitate meetings, act as a liasion between UArizona's graduate student community and TIMESTEP, and work on projects that further TIMESTEP's goals of supporting undergraduate student success. Please contact us at timestep@arizona.edu if you would like to join us!
Research Apprenticeship Graduate Student Coordinator
The TIMESTEP Research Apprenticeship Program is a unique opportunity for University of Arizona astronomy and physics undergraduate majors to build technical skills in preparation for research and internships. This academic year program includes weekly skills-building workshops and places students with a faculty advisor to do an introductory research project involving either computing or hardware and software development. Graduate Coordinators assist in teaching technical skills and research preparedness, while providing guidance to students on professional skills used in the lab- communication, teamwork, leadership, etc. This paid position is open to graduate students in astronomy, planetary sciences, and physics, and is advertised in May/June each year.
Internship Graduate Student Coordinator
The TIMESTEP Summer Tech Internship Program allows UArizona undergraduate students in the physical sciences (primarily astronomy, physics, optical sciences, mathematics, computer science, geosciences, hydrology, and atmospheric sciences) to work for local businesses based in Southern Arizona for the 13 week summer session. Each Graduate Coordinator mentors a small group of student interns, providing guidance on professional skills used in the workplace- communication, organization, time management, goal setting, etc. This is an excellent way to learn more about careers in industry. The Graduate Coordinator position is open to graduate students in the departments listed above, and is a paid position that is advertised in January of each year.