Undergraduate Research

Explore the wide variety of research areas in astronomy, planetary sciences, and physics that you will find at the University of Arizona! The research map below will help you learn about the research being done by different UArizona faculty. Once you have identified your areas of interest, use the tools in the dropdown boxes below to seek out a research mentor.
UARIZONA RESEARCH MAP- Created by Meredith Stone with assistance from Vikram Manikantan

Research Opportunities Presentation- TIMESTEP meeting 11-20-24 in Past Meetings
Use this presentation to help you explore a variety of research opportunities and put together the pieces of the required applications.



Compiled List of Research Opportunities With Deadlines, including REUs, internships, and both national and international research opportunities. There are hundreds of listings with opportunities for all students, including international students, seniors and recent graduates, and students from groups underrepresented in STEM.

Astronomy & Physics US-Based Summer Research Programs that Accept International Students*
(*typically with F-1 Visa and OPT/CPT work authorization
Compiled by Tintin Nguyen

TIMESTEP Research Apprenticeship- An academic year program that offers 2nd year astronomy and physics majors a paid opportunity to build technical and professional skills that are transferable to both research and industry. Participants attend weekly professional development workshops and work on skills-building projects in a lab overseen by a faculty advisor, and are paid for up to 10 hours per week. Applications are due in June for the following school year.

TIMESTEP Summer Tech Internship- Paid 13 week internships ($5K) for STEM majorswith a local employer. No citizenship requirements to apply to the program, but individual companies may have restrictions. Applications are due at the end of February each year.

Arizona Space Grant Consortium   Contact: Michelle Coe macoe@email.arizona.edu   This program offers funding for 10-20 hours per week during the academic year. Applications are due in June for the following school year.

UROC Research Programs- A variety of research programs supported by the Graduate College. All programs share one application, which is due in November each year.

Undergraduate Biology Research Program (UBRP)- Supports research specifically related to biological sciences, including astrobiology.

UA Undergrad Research Website- Extensive resources in all fields of study for undergraduate research at UArizona.

Research FAQ for UA Students (Course Requirements)


Consider publishing a plot and text in the AAS Research Notes!!   This is a quick way to get your research out (even if you got a null result) without having to write a full paper.


The Arizona Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies is a student-run journal at UArizona that publishes student work once a year. All currently enrolled University of Arizona undergraduate students can submit papers. Preference will be given to individual works that synthesize multiple disciplines and intersect with the arts or humanistic social sciences (essays, theoretical pieces, and original research will all be accepted). The journal seeks to include work that is written for a generalized academic audience, with the goal that students from different disciplines will be able to learn from each other.

The Astronomy Department and the Physics Department may be able to fund a limited number of undergradate students to attend the below scientific meetings. 

Please email timestep@arizona.edu if you are interested in being supported to attend one of the below meetings.  

Sacnas - Logo 1

SACNAS- Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science
SACNAS is open to people of all identities. "At SACNAS, we understand that diverse voices and perspectives bring creative solutions to compelling issues in STEM. That’s why we’ve built a national network that is innovative, powerful, and inclusive. Whether your path is education, research, or professional, SACNAS connects thousands of members annually to the people, programs, and resources they need to grow."

  • Contact UArizona's SACNAS advisor, Michael Bogan (mbogan@arizona.edu), for more info. and to join our chapter
  • Attend the annual SACNAS conference! 2024 will be in Phoenix, AZ.
  • Testimonial about attending SACNAS from Dr. Dione Rossiter, the Executive Director for Science at Cal, a program that shares the excitement and relevance of UC Berkeley research with diverse audiences through public programs and community events.



oSTEM- Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
OSTEM is a professional association for LGBTQ+ people in the STEM community. With over 100 student chapters at colleges/universities and professional chapters in cities across the United States and abroad, oSTEM is the largest chapter-based organization focused on LGBTQ+ people in STEM.

oSTEM Vision
We envision a world where LGBTQ+ people in the STEM community are empowered to achieve success in a safe and supportive environment that celebrates their diversity and unique contributions.

oSTEM Mission
oSTEM empowers LGBTQ+ people in STEM to succeed personally, academically, and professionally by cultivating environments and communities that nurture innovation, leadership, and advocacy.


NSBP- National Society of Black Physicists
The mission of the National Society of Black Physicists is to promote the professional well-being of African American physicists and physics students within the international scientific community and within society at large. The organization seeks to develop and support efforts to increase opportunities for African Americans in physics and to increase their numbers and visibility of their scientific work. It also seeks to develop activities and programs that highlight and enhance the benefits of the scientific contributions that African American physicists provide for the international community. The society seeks to raise the general knowledge and appreciation of physics in the African American community.


AISES- American Indian Science and Engineering Society
AISES is a national nonprofit organization focused on substantially increasing the representation of Indigenous peoples of North America and the Pacific Islands in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) studies and careers.