TIMESTEP Internship Symposium

Environment and Natural Resources 2 Building, Rooms S107 and S215, 1064 East Lowell Street Tucson, AZ 85719

Advertisement for the internship symposium with the event details


5 – 7:30 p.m., Aug. 30, 2023

TIMESTEP’s 2023 Summer Tech Internship Symposium the evening of Wednesday, August 30th from 5:00 to 7:30 pm in ENR2. This yearly internship program provides UArizona students in the physical sciences opportunities to work for local employers while utilizing and building their technical skills. Internships are focused on (but not limited to) the following areas: 

  • Building, testing, and using online tools for analytics 
  • Software and/or hardware development 
  • Mechanical design and optimization of instrumentation or robotics 

You'll get to hear from the student interns themselves what they learned and most valued from their internships. You'll also learn about the wide diversity of local employers offering career paths in industry for UA students, and the types of skills they're seeking in UA graduates. Symposium attendees will include UArizona students, faculty, and administrative leadership, along with representatives from some of our industry partners. 

Please RSVP in advance here